von Bettina Joergens,
Beauftragte des Gesamtvorstands VdA für internationale Arbeit
Dear colleagues,
finally we can present the first newsletter oft he new four-year-term of the Steering Committee of the Section of Professional Associations of the International Council on Archives.
The newsletter contains also reports of professional archival associations from all over the world. But many countries are still missing. I would be glad to publish reports also about those countries and associations in the next issue.
Please, let me know what you are missing and how we can encourage every archival association to contribute to this highly important exchange of information.
Thank you in advance for your feedbacks.
Best regards
Bettina Joergens
PS: If you have the opportunity, please, disseminate this newsletter in your professional mailinglists or blogs.
Lesetipp: über ihre ICA-Funktion berichtet Frau Dr. Joergens im aktuellen Heft – siehe Artikel „International zu Denken sollte eine Selbstverständlichkeit sein! Dr. Bettina Joergens und Dr. Bernhard Post im Gespräch“, in: „Archivar“, Heft 4/2016, Sp. 421 ff.